palliAGED Home

Welcome to palliAGED

palliAGED is the palliative care evidence and practice information resource for the Australian aged care sector. Providing support for health and care practitioners as well as resource developers, the website also provides trustworthy information for older Australians, their families and friends.

  • Tip sheets for careworkers

    Practice tip sheets for careworkers

  • Practice tip sheets for nurses

    Practice tip sheets for nurses

  • palliAGEDnurse App

    palliAGEDnurse App

  • New palliAGED LinkedIn account

  • New evidence-based guidance on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

    Sign up for the latest news, evidence and tips

  • New evidence-based guidance on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

    New InFocus: Can technology make a difference in aged care?

  • New evidence-based guidance on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

    Order now: When someone dies in residential aged care: Grief and loss for families

  • New evidence-based guidance on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

    New InFocus: Supporting Aged Care Workforce Capability

  • New evidence-based guidance on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

    New evidence-based guidance on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

  • New modules for aged care nurses

    Learning modules for aged care nurses

  • New palliAGED pages

    palliAGED pages: For Nurses

  • palliAGED Search resources

    Resource: palliAGED Search

  • Practice Tip Sheets: printed copies now available to order

    Practice Tip Sheets: printed copies are available to order

  • COVID-19 highlighted resources

    COVID-19 highlighted resources

  • Updated section: For the Community

    Updated section: For the Community

  • palliAGED Evidence Centre

    palliAGED Evidence Centre

  • Practice Centre

    palliAGED Practice Centre

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