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This section will keep you up to date with news in the palliative care sector. Please note that the links below were current at the time of posting, however links may become obsolete as websites update their content.
The Australian Government has launched the National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034, a 10-year strategy to enhance dementia awareness, reduce risks, and improve care services. Developed in collaboration with state and territory governments, people with dementia, carers, and aged care professionals, the plan outlines eight actions, including tackling stigma, improving diagnosis and care coordination, supporting carers, and fostering research and workforce capability. An online dashboard by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare will track annual progress.
An independent consultant is evaluating the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive and we are seeking feedback. If you’re involved in the operations, staffing and clinical processes of a residential aged care home, we want to hear from you. This will help us understand more about the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive, including experiences in participating, impacts and challenges for staff, and areas for improvement. It aims to improve primary care for residents living in aged care homes. Your insights will contribute to shaping the future of aged care and primary care.
Take the online survey now. It will take 20 minutes to complete. Consultation closes 19 December.
Today the Australian Government’s Aged Care Bill passed Parliament. This means the new Aged Care Act will start from 1 July 2025.
A new Act will bring a range of improvements for older people including:
This report presents quality indicators that have been recompiled for more complete data than were available at the cut-off dates for quarterly reporting in Q4 2022–23 and Q1-4 2023–24. Covers 11 indicators: pressure injuries, use of physical restraint, unplanned weight loss, falls and major injury, medication management, activities of daily living, incontinence care, hospitalisations, workforce, consumer experience, and quality of life.
The Senate committee reviewing the legislation for a new Aged Care Act has recommended the bill be passed, but the coalition senators have called for a long list of recommendations including a review of the Support at Home commencement date and transition elements.
Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) has welcomed the announcement of a $13M investment from the Commonwealth Government to support its drive to enhance workforce capability and the development of an innovation culture within the aged care industry. The funding, to be spent over two years, will enable ARIIA to commence the second stage of its strategy which encourages development of innovative care models using technology and evidence-based practices, with an added focus on home care.
The Commission has published a fact sheet about providers’ responsibilities when older people in their care ask for support with voluntary assisted dying.