A Guide for Educators

A Guide for Educators

In the aged care journeys in palliative care we provide examples of issues and resources for careworker training. There are other issues that you could explore with these journeys.  Here we list some of the palliAGED resources that you might find useful as an educator to provide background information when preparing training based on these journeys .

You may find the palliAGED Practice Tips for Nurses and the palliAGED Introduction modules helpful too.


Peter's journey

Peter‘s experience of aged care highlights the importance of psychosocial support of a resident and of support provided to their family.

For Educators:

Mary's journey

Mary‘s experience of increasing care needs and changes as she approaches the end of her life highlights the value of advance care planning and supporting families with grief and bereavement.

For Educators:

Betty's journey

Betty‘s experiences of homelessness and mental illness shape her transition into residential aged care and her need for support when she experiences change and loss.

For Educators:

Keng's journey

Keng’s experience of advanced dementia and how it affects his wife and carer Mei highlights the importance of timely communication and how changed behaviour can signal underlying issues such as pain or discomfort.

For Educators:

Page created 10 May 2023