Developing the Aged Care Journeys

Developing the Aged Care Journeys

In 2018 the Gold Coast Primary Health Network (GCPHN) commissioned Beacon Strategies to provide evidence based information and collect stakeholder input that would inform a regionalised approach to investment in palliative care. Specifically, the project objectives were:

  • Understand the respective palliative care and aged care patient journeys in respect to health and non-health related inhibitors, enablers and supports across a diversity of perspectives and life stages.
  • Understand and articulate population needs across the GCPHN region
  • Identify and improve organisational and sector knowledge relating to evidence-based models of care relating to both palliative care and aged care.
  • Identify points of leverage in the policy environment at a national, state and regional level to maximise the impact of future palliative care and aged care investments.
  • Identify points of leverage from relevant models of care identified by the Integrated Care Alliance Palliative Care Group.
  • Understand and synthesise expert opinion relating to the overall need for palliative care and aged care services (where to target services), in addition to gaining sector agreement on the best path forward for investment across each sector.
  • Summarise and articulate the findings so they are of maximum utility for GCPHN and the broader palliative care and aged care sectors.
  • Outline relevant KPIs and program outcome measures to assist GCPHN to monitor the effectiveness of future commissioned services.

As part of this consultation patient journey mapping was completed to provide visual representations of typical patient journeys. With help from Palliative Care Queensland  and COTA Queensland the patient journeys were developed and completed in 2019. Each of the common pathways were validated by GCPHN and the Palliative Care Leadership Group (274kb pdf).

Working with palliAGED

Four of the GCPHN patient journeys involved people aged 65 years and older.

In 2023 GCPHN worked with palliAGED to combine these with the palliAGED Practice Tips for Careworkers. The aim was to develop a training resource for Careworkers that would prompt reflection on the care being provided.

Page created 10 May 2023