A Palliative Approach

A Palliative Approach

A palliative approach to care recognises that death is inevitable and focuses on the care rather than cure of a person with multiple chronic conditions, frailty and/or a life-threatening or life-limiting illness. The goal of a palliative approach is to improve or optimise a person’s level of comfort and function and to offer appropriate treatment for any distressing symptoms. A palliative approach addresses a person’s psychological, spiritual, social, emotional and cultural needs. Families are welcomed as partners in this approach

Palliative Care Australia's National Palliative Care Standards for All Health Professionals and Aged Care Services acknowledge the vital contribution of those not working in specialist palliative who provide generalist palliative care. These standards note that all healthcare providers who provide care to people living with a life-limiting condition, their families and carers should have minimum core competencies in the provision of palliative care and understand the palliative approach to care.

A palliative approach recognises that for older people with multiple chronic conditions, frailty and/or a life-threatening or life-limiting illness, that this is often the last chapter of their life the length of which is unknown. This definition is adopted in the RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver Book 2019).

For your patients and their families.

Palliative Care Booklet for Patients, Carers, and Families

Other resources

Interview with Dr Porteous - GP Restvale.


GPs and palliative care - Dr David Healey.


Making your wishes known and respected - Dr Karen Detering.


How GPs care for older people coming to the end of their life? - Dr Annette Carruthers (RACGP).


Page updated 12 March 2024