What can my organisation do?
Watch the short animations from Meaningful Australia for boards, CEOs and senior staff; and care co-ordinators and team leaders.
Consider implementing the nine principles from Holyoke P, Stephenson B. Organization-level principles and practices to support spiritual care at the end of life: a qualitative study. BMC Palliat Care. 2017 Apr 11;16(1):24.
Encourage all staff to think about spiritual care as part of daily care.
Remember that the physical environment can be an important source of spiritual comfort.
Support and/or provide opportunities for spiritual reflection, education and training.
The quality and extent of spiritual care should be in line with the training provided to staff and the development of competencies.
Consider introducing spiritual screening and spiritual assessment.
Develop and keep current a list of people who provide spiritual care (e.g. chaplains, spiritual care practitioners). Consider fostering links with community religious groups so that residents/clients with dementia can maintain or re-establish meaning and connection.
Ensure that the practice of spiritual care practitioners within the organisation respects the Spiritual Care Australia Standards of Practice (2013) (1.23MB pdf).
In staff recruitment processes, consider including spiritual competencies in role descriptions.