Getting started with palliAGED Resources
Choose the palliAGED resource to match your needs
If you are looking for...
Help to introduce new staff to basic concepts in palliative care
Resources to use as part of staff induction programs for careworkers
Resources to use as part of staff induction programs for nurses
Trustworthy and practical support on palliative care for experienced nurses
Support to improve nurses’ clinical skills in palliative care
Support for clinicians prescribing medicines for an older person receiving terminal care
Support to incorporate palliative care within the aged care standards
Support to create evidence informed guidance and policy documents for your organisation
Trustworthy information for an older person and their family
Practical support for organising and conducting case conferences
Practical forms and tools to assist you in providing home care
Practical forms and tools to assist you in providing care in Residential Aged Care (RAC)
Resources to use as part of ongoing In-house education sessions
We also provide for free printed versions for some of these resources. You can order these using our order form.
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