

Reflecting on your life and the meaning of life at the end

The concept of the human spirit is viewed in different ways. You may not believe in spirituality. You may not call spirituality by name or know how to identify it as such. You may express your spirituality in different ways. It is part of what makes you who you are. Spirituality is not the same as religion. However, religion may give you spiritual expression or a spiritual community.

Your idea of spirituality could involve dignity, hope, joy, love or humour. It could be where you find your strength in difficult times. What gives your life meaning and purpose is part of spirituality. Spirituality can help people make sense of their lives.

If you are nearing the end of your life you may start to question your beliefs, reflect on your life or wonder at the meaning of life. This is a normal process. You may explore spiritual issues such as thinking about whether you are at peace. You may have a more conscious awareness of and connection with your spirit. You may also know what nurtures it. Sometimes it can help to write this down. 'See me. Know me' from Meaningful Ageing Australia has a helpful tool for you to record your answers to the following:

  • What gets me up in the morning?
  • What gives me a sense of peace?
  • What’s been formative in my life?
  • What rituals help me feel connected?

Sometimes all you may need is not to be alone. You may welcome a supportive, listening presence. All members of the palliative care team can provide this. It is a form of caring for the spirit. If you need more than this, referral can be made to someone trained specifically in spiritual care at the end of life. You may want to see someone else from your own spiritual community or tradition.

Page created 05 November 2021