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A case conference or family meeting between the person, their family and care providers can help to explain what is happening and to plan care. The palliAGED forms can help.
Printable pdf (35kb)
Use the palliAGED Case Conference Checklist for residential care (403kb pdf) or Case Conference Checklist for home care (407kb pdf) to organise a palliative care case conference. Tick off items as they are completed.
Speak with the person and their family about the need for a case conference. Provide Information on palliative care and case conferences (151kb pdf).
Involving the person’s GP is important. Use the GP invitation form (186kb pdf) to invite them to attend, and/or to suggest a suitable time.
Closer to the date of the Case Conference send a letter confirming details to the person and their family (141kb pdf), and send confirmation to the GP (173kb pdf).
To guide the meeting and to make sure that all steps following the conference are completed use the palliAGED Palliative Care Case Conference Summary for residential care (218kb pdf) or Case Conference Summary for home care (227kb pdf).
Page updated 23 February 2023