Providing information on palliative care
Palliative care identifies and treats symptoms which can be physical, emotional, spiritual or social. Providing information on palliative care to the older person and their family can help them understand what is happening and to plan for end of life. There is information for family in the Community section of CareSearch. You can also order a copy of CareSearch's Palliative Care Support booklet for your client or resident.
Needs assessment
Needs assessment forms an important part of palliative care in all settings and can improve the quality of life of adults with dementia or those who are at end-of-life. Needs assessments can help to identify what clients or residents and their families consider important and where they need help and support. The practice section provides a variety of resources to support needs assessment.
Referral for specialist palliative care may be appropriate for a person to manage severe symptoms, to respond to extreme distress or provide specific care planning support. Other health professionals may assist in providing comprehensive care or help manage a specific symptom. The Practice Centre has information on referral.
Spiritual care
Recognising that you are going to die can raise questions about meaning. Spiritual care can be an important part of providing individual support and care to the person. There are Practice Tips Sheets on spiritual care for nurses and for careworkers as well as a Tip Sheet on Talking about Dying.
Learning options for staff
A new Education section in palliAGED provides a wide range of learning opportunities for aged care staff. It includes a section on care planning and assessment.
National Palliative Care Program: Other Assessment and Planning Resources
This project has eight toolkits including residential aged care and homecare toolkits. There is also a set of ELDAC common clinical tools
- Advance
This project developed a training package, specifically designed to support Australian general practices to implement a team-based approach to initiating advance care planning (ACP) and palliative care into everyday clinical practice.
- CareSearch Allied Health
Allied Health have an increasingly important role to play in aged care. This hub of resources and tools within CareSearch supports allied health in providing care.