palliAGED Resources for Standard 5
Aged care facilities are places where people do die and therefore the service environment must be suitable for care at the end of life. There are a range of palliAGED resources that can provide information and support knowledge and training. Many of these resources including learning opportunities for careworkers and nursing staff and organisational suggestions.
Environmental Modification
Place can play a part in care and healing. Factors such as architecture, the use of lighting and sound, the arrangement and kinds of furniture and objects in a room, the provision of spaces or rooms for art and music, the use of natural environments such as gardens. There is an evidence overview and practice resources on environmental modification. There is some information that can support how to think about suitable spaces for people with palliative care needs.
Dignity and Quality of Life
There is a complex interrelationship between dignity, autonomy and personal identity. The physical environment can influence the person’s sense of self-control even at the end of life. These issues were also discussed in the February palliAGED Insight article on Living well until death (231kb pdf). There is an evidence overview and practice resources in dignity and quality of life.
Spiritual Care
Spiritual care can also be supported by the physical environment. A place for reflection, for connection, and for cultural and spiritual practices can enhance well-being in the context of end of life. There is an evidence overview and practice resources relating to spiritual care.
Practice Tip Sheets
The following palliAGED Practice Tip sheets may also be helpful in ensuring safe care
ELDAC Residential Aged Care Toolkit
The Support Systems and Quality Improvement pages in the Organisational Support section of this toolkit has materials on policies and procedures that can help build a framework for end of life care.